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How do I Overcome Doubt?

Writer: MichaelMichael

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Many of us suffer from constant doubts. Doubts that we can do what we have to, doubts whether we are good enough and doubts whether we have made the right choices in life. These doubts can be very difficult to bear as you live in constant uncertainty as to whether what you are doing is right or if you are going against your intuition. Can meditation help? The answer is yes.

Doubt is one of two things: either it is an expression of our intuition that tells us we should change something, or it is our fears that cast doubt on whether we are living right.

Doubts that arise when we go against our intuition

During the course of life, most people probably find that at some point they find themselves in a place or in a relationship that doesn't quite feel right. Something within us tells us that we should act in some way to change our situation, but we do not have the inner clarity or strength to see or do what we should do.

Overcoming doubts. How do I find clarity? How to find help?

Most of the time it resolves itself gradually. A decision matures, circumstances clarify what we need to do. But in some cases, the doubt becomes a long-term pressure that we don't know how to get out of. In these cases, the doubt is due to an inner fear that has taken hold of you. We know - more or less clearly - that there is something that needs to change, but we simply do not have the courage to do this. The fear is too strong.

Doubts that arise despite following our intuition

Doubt can also manifest itself in situations where we actually know we are doing the right thing, we follow our intuition and inner compass. However, this intuition is clouded by fears and doubts. These fears and doubts can be further fueled by other people's reactions or incomprehension. Artists, entrepreneurs, and other people who do something that "stands out" certainly experience these doubts often, but they probably affect most people at various times in their lives.

The doubt in these cases is due to an inner inferiority complex that whispers to us "you're not good enough, you can't make it, you're making a fool of yourself". As long as we carry this inferiority complex, we live in constant struggle against it; when circumstances "support" the inferiority complex, for example when things do not go according to plan or in the case of failures, it is extra difficult not to give in to it.

Inferiority complex is the common denominator

Regardless of whether the doubt we experience falls under the first or second category, the common denominator is inferiority complex.

In the first case, we do not trust our capacity, nor do we have faith in life. We choose what appears to be easier and feels safer, even though it is not really what we want. In the second case, we experience doubt because our feelings of inferiority tell us that we are not good enough.

How meditation works against doubt

By meditating, we let the fears we have inside come to the surface and release them. We look inward and throw them away. As we empty out our feelings of inferiority, things happen inside. When there is no longer any "engine" fueling the fears, our mind changes.

Mindfulness and meditation in Stockholm

Most often it usually starts with the fact that, even though the fears are there, we can still feel a more tangible calm inside, a "core of calm". This core gets bigger and bigger and it gets easier to make decisions, to be honest with ourselves and with others. This changes the dynamics in relation to people and situations. Life is put into greater balance and harmony.

You could say that life becomes more of a flow. We do what we do, without thinking too much about it. We naturally follow our inner compass, something that feels natural and undramatic. We focus on what is right for us, what is our natural expression. Because we have let go of feelings of inferiority, we have a deep trust in our true self. Our heart is open.

The answers come naturally

How a certain situation develops when we let go of doubt is a matter of circumstances and synergies. We cannot know in advance and the answer is not always obvious

Let's say we are in a difficult relationship that we haven't been able to leave because we were too afraid to be alone. A possible consequence of letting go of the fear of being left may be that we take the plunge and leave the relationship. But it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. The dynamics of a bad relationship can, for example - depending on the circumstances - change when we let go of our fears in such a way that the relationship takes on a new bearing and joy. The same can apply to a job or really any situation. As our mind has become new and changed, the way we deal with life also becomes new.

It is an exciting and grateful development. We discover a natural joy in living.

Do you want to learn to meditate? I recommend Stockholm Meditation.



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